Thursday, August 23, 2012

Welcome to our Home!!!

We recently moved into a new place and we absolutely LOVE IT!!!  It is a 3 bedroom, 2 and 1/2 Bathroom townhouse with our own living room, kitchen/dinning room, and 2 car garage.  We have had room mates our entire married life... until now, and we were always in the basement of the house.  So... this has been heavenly!! I feel sooo spoiled and lucky to have such a great place to live in, with the most amazing husband.  It is also only a couple blocks from campus, that way we can walk to school:)  My family has been wanting to see pictures... so here you go....:)

This is the entryway and the dinning area to the left...

This is the laundry area... Drop your drawers here or go naked tomorrow!!

Our lovely kitchen...

 My parents gave me these fabulous couches (the floral ones), I was thinking of putting slip covers on them because I wasn't to wild about the floral print, but they are really comfortable and they actually match the room pretty well.
Our living room...

Our work-out gear closet... it keeps on growing!!

Upstairs guestroom... Yes Alicia, this would be your room, if you come to BYU-I :)

 This is my sewing area in our craft room. This vintage sewing machine with the Cabinet was a Christmas present from my amazing husband and mother-in-law last year.  They refinished the cabinet, and the machine works like a champ!  It can sew thru anything!!

This is a picture of it closed up!  Don't you just love the details?... 

This is in that same room, just on the other wall.  This is where I do my art stuff... and I'm sure that I will do homework here as well.

This is a little glimpse of our bedroom... this is Aaron's messy office area.  I am currently working on a project for our bedroom... so when I am finished, I will post the pictures!

1 comment:

  1. cute! that is such a cute house adri!! i wanna come up!
